Sound Therapy and Meditation Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl

Crystal Singing Bowl, Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls1.The purest quartz crystal 99.99% 2.Each size have all tune C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B 3.Strong and long sound 4.Size from 6'' to 24''SpecificationEnergy Center Location Element Issues Right Color of chakra(bowls are white)Note 1st Root Base of spine Earth Physical needs To have Red C 2nd SacralLower abdomen Water Sexuality, emotions To feel Orange D 3rd Solar Plexus Solar plexus Fire Power, vitality To act Yellow E 4th Heart Heart Air Love To love Green F 5th Throat Throat Sound Communication To speak Blue G 6th Third Eye Brow Light Intuition To see Indigo A 7th Crown Top of Head Thought Understanding To know Violet B   Feature Our Crystal Singing Bowls are manufactured from 99.99% pure quartz crystal, and are the finest, pristine, crystal singing bowls. The crushed quartz is heated to at least 1800 degrees in the manufacturing. Then, they are tested to determine the musical note. Although the larger bowls have a deeper, lower octave, tone, it is not the size that determines the 'note' of the bowl. The bowls are associated with the musical scale, starting with C, then D, E, F, G, A and B. These notes are in turn associated with the Seven Chakras of the Human System.Application Sound therapy and meditationHealing Chakra aligning and total cleansing Transmitting energies Energising the Physical and Energetic Bodies FengshuiSuit crowds Sound Therapists, Massage Practitioners, Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Reiki Practitioners, Musicians, Singers, Voice Coaches, Meditation Teachers and Energy workers choose our bowls when they want the best sound quality, resonance and customer service for their practices, clients and own reputations.Singing bowl accessory Rubber O-ring Rubber stick  or Suede singing bowl mallet     /* January 22, 2024 19:08:37 */!function(){function s(e,r){var a,o={};try{e&&e.split(",").forEach(function(e,t){e&&(a=e.match(/(.*?):(.*)$/))&&1