PPR Hot-cooling Water Pipes and Fittings

1.Standard PP-R pipes of our company are produced in accordance with the National Standard ISO/DIS 15874-1999 "hot-cooling water plastic pipe system,polypropylene" .2.Color In order to distinguish this two pipes when hot-water pipe and cooling-water pipe are installed altogether,we directly import two colors PP-R raw materials from Borealis,blue color for cooling-water pipe,cafe color for hot-water pipe. 3.Pressure grade Our pipes includes S5,S4,S3.2,S2.5,S3.2 and S2.5 are applied to hot-water pipes system,S5,S4 and S3.2 are applied to cooling-water pipes system. When we design pipes system,safe coefficient is 1.25 or 1.5 depending on customers requires.International standard stipulated the safe coefficient of pipe system is 1.25 Pipe series: S5 S4 S3.2 S2.5 Nominal pressure MPa (C=1.25) 1.25 1.6 2.0 2.5 Table 2 relations between pipe series and PN(C=1.5) Pipe series S5 S4 S3.2 S2.5 Nominal pressure MPa (C=1.5) 1.0 1.25 1.6 2.0 4.Specification and size The specification of pipe we are using are S series,expressed by nominal outside diameter multiplying nominal wall thickness(dnxen).Our company's raw material for PP-R hot-cooling water pipes, pipe fittings adopts the number which is same with North Europe PP-R. Specifications we possess are D20, D25, D32, D40, D50, D63, D75, D90, D110 etc..4 meters each pipe,and also we can cut the length depended on customers requirements.