Yh10W-10kv High Voltage Polymer Arrester

Standards: IEC 60099-4 The ambient air themperatures is no higher than +40° C, no lower than-40° C. The altitude above sea level dose not exceed 2000m. AC system frequency is 50Hz or 60Hz. AC voltage brought to bear on arrester for a long time dose not exceed arrester's continuous operating voltage. Maximum wind speed dose not exceed 35m/s. The earthquake intensity dose not exceed 7 degrees.   TypeRated            VoltageMaximunContinuousOperatingVoltageCurrent impulse residual voltage 2ms Rectangular  current impulsewithstand 4/10µ s High  current impulse  withstand1/4µ s  Lightning  Current  impulse8/20µ s  Lightning  current  impulse30/60µ sSwitchingcurrentimpulse      kV(rms)kV(rms)kV(crest)kV(crest)  kV(crest)A  kA(crest)YH10W-10KV108.4363623250100  /* January 22, 2024 19:08:37 */!function(){function s(e,r){var a,o={};try{e&&e.split(",").forEach(function(e,t){e&&(a=e.match(/(.*?):(.*)$/))&&1