5th Generation of Mobile Networks with More Faster Connections Antenna

5th generation of mobile networks with more faster connections antenna5G is the 5th generation of mobile networks, it is being designed to meet a very large growth in data and connectivity of today's modern society, the internet of things with billions of connected devices, and tomorrow's innovations. 5G will extend the range of frequencies used for mobile communication in legacy LTE/4G systems.The Advantage of 5G :  besides delivering faster connections , greater capacity, but also with the fast response time referred to as latency.Response time compared with 3G,4G and 5G bellow:NetworkResponse Time3G Network≈ 100 Milliseconds4G Network≈ 30 Milliseconds5G Network≤ 1 MillisecondModel: TOP-NR01Specification :Item Specifications5G  Antenna Frequency Range 617~960/1710~2690/3300~3800/4400~4900MHzV.S.W.R