Upe Plate for Wear and Impact Resistance

Our company uses the molecular weight of more than 5 million raw materials production, due to the above excellent comprehensive performance, UHMW-PE is called by the European countries "amazing plastic" and attention, in many industries have been widely used. The board production line of our company adopts three-station design, and the cooling time is more than twice that of other manufacturers, which effectively guarantees the flatness and dimensional stability of the board. The production pressure of our equipment can be up to 1200 tons/square meter to meet the requirements of raw materials to the equipment, so that it can give play to the performance of raw materials. All our products use imported raw materials, toner and additives are high-grade brand, product quality in the forefront of the industry. The panel produced by our company is mirror effect, good flatness, no deformation, and the thickness tolerance can be controlled within