Full Set Celleco Twister Cleaner for Paper Mill Machine

The Celleco Twister® hydrocyclone is the latest development in separation technology. GL&V's innovative thinking, over 60 years of hydrocyclone knowledge, and advanced computer technology were key elements in the development of this new high-performance, high-consistency hydrocyclone. The innovative design and state-of-the-art technology found only in the Celleco Twister hydrocyclone is raising cleaning performance to a new level while utilizing less energy.The Celleco Twister Hydrocyclone Features• Up to 2% feed consistency operation with comparable cleaning performance in conventionalhydrocyclones at 1%• Superior cleaning performance over the entire operating consistency range• Up to 50% lower applied energy• Considerably lower reject rates than conventional hydrocyclones• Celleco® twin wall design/* March 10, 2023 17:59:20 */!function(){function s(e,r){var a,o={};try{e&&e.split(",").forEach(function(e,t){e&&(a=e.match(/(.*?):(.*)$/))&&1