UHP600 Graphite Electrode with Nipple UHP Graphite Electrode for Eaf Arc Furnace

Graphite electrode is mainly used in arc steel-making furnace, ore-smelting electric furnace, resistance furnace, etc., with good thermal conductivity, high temperature resistance, is widely used in metallurgy, machinery, electrical, chemical, textile, national defense and other industrial sectors. Graphite electrode is generally divided into ordinary power graphite electrode, high power graphite electrode and ultra high power graphite electrode.CategoryNo.SpecificationsDiameter (mm) Length (mm)Ultra high power graphite electrode1300180023501800340022004450180055002200655023007600240087002700Technical Properties of Ultra High Power Graphite Electrodes and nipple ItemClassificationUnitNominalDiameter (mm)300-400450-500550-700Electric Resistivuty(=)ElatrodeMpa10.510.511.0Nipple18.018.020.0Elastic moduluc(=)Elatrodeg/cm31.661.661.66Nipple1.751.751.75 CTE(