Acid Green 9 Acid Morpant Black PV

Product Name: Acid Green 9C.I. No.: 42100CAS No.: 4857-81-2Molecular Formula: C37H34ClN2NaO6S2Molecular Weight: 725.25 Shade: Bright blue light green Relative name: Acid Morpant Black PV;Acid Brilliant Green B,Acid Green 6B;Acid Green 9Standard FiberSoapingPersperation FastnessOxygen bleachingLightFastnessFadingStainAATCCWool2-32-3312ISOWool22412 Properties:The appearance is deep yellow powder. Soluble in cold water and hot water, soluble in ethanol turquoise blue. The strong sulfuric acid dyes to orange, dilute to yellow. The water solution is green, add sodium hydroxide to olive green, the precipitation for dark brown. White, dyeing copper ions in color shade darker and darker color iron ion in yellow.  Applications:This product used for wool, silk, polyamide, viscose, wool blended fabric dyeing and printing, also can be used for paper, leather, cosmetics and biological color. Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.